Subsoil Use and Energy
ZANGER lawyers not only consult clients more than 20 years on the matters of subsoil use and energy, including major projects, but also participate in development of relevant legislation.
We can help you on:
- conclusion and amendment of subsoil use contracts;
- acquisition and transfer of subsoil use right and related objects;
- state pre-emptive right on acquisition of a subsoil use right;
- amendment of a working program;
- exploration and production of minerals in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- transactions with strategic objects;
- legal assistance for projects and current activity of companies in heat power engineering sphere and electric-power industry;
- environmental Due Diligence;
- obtaining of permits for emissions to atmosphere;
- legal advice on environmental issues;
- assistance and appeal of results of the state environmental inspections;
- environmental disputes.
Key contacts

Maidan Suleimenov
Senior Partner

Yerlanbek Zhussupov
Managing Partner